TU + 1. 20.850€ help

The aim is to encourage self-employed people, without dependent workers, to hire a person for a minimum of 18 months and with an indefinite contract.

As of July 5th, the deadline for submitting the grant application for the "TU+1" Program opens.

The objective of the "TU+1" Program is to encourage self-employed people, without dependent workers, to hire people indefinitely, for a minimum period of 18 months and that the person hired is in a situation of unemployed, registered as a claimant for unoccupied employment (DONO) in the Public Employment Service of Catalonia (SOC).

The aid consists of subsidizing these contracts in a way that encourages indefinite hiring, creates employment and favors the growth of self-employed people's businesses.

The amount of the aid for the year 2024 can reach up to €20,850 per full-time contract.

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