This website was set up under the auspices of Diputació de Girona, within the framework of the following project (2016) designed to boost economic activity:
“Revitalising business parks in order to improve positioning and attract investment, within the framework of the Strategic Plan for La Bisbal, Forallac, Cruïlles-Monells-Sant Sadurní de l'Heura, Corçà and Ullastret”.
The project is backed by the Employment Service of Catalonia, the Catalan Government’s Department of Business and Employment, and the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The need to create tools to promote and attract investment was set out in the Plan for Revitalising the Industrial Estates and Business Parks drawn up in 2015-16 as part of a project underpinning strategy planning.
The aim of this website is to promote our area as an attractive optimal space for setting up and developing businesses, and to provide useful, serviceable information to that effect.
It also aims to publicise the production network (companies) in the industrial estates of La Bisbal, Forallac, Cruïlles-Monells-Sant Sadurní de l’Heura, Corçà and Ullastret.